The Scanning Electron Microscope
Image of the Scanning Electron Microscope that will be on display at the event.
What is a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)?
Scientists use this instrument to study surfaces. The morphology, or shape, composition, or what it’s made of, and other attributes help scientists better understand our world. What makes this microscope different than a standard one is that this instrument does not use visible light to image samples. Instead, it uses a stream of high powered electrons, like the ones found in atoms! This allows scientists to view features on tiny surfaces up to 10 nano-meters in size! (A human hair is about 75 micrometers in width.)
Bring your own Samples to Test!
Human Hair in the SEM
Feel free to bring your own samples to look at in WSU’s SEM at the fundraising event on April 3rd, 2020.